Traditionally there is a lot of focus on just getting the behaviors from the horse. But our trainer skills are a huge part of the success rate and influences tremendously how smooth or bumpy the ride will be for both horse & human.
~We believe this is where trainers can really make a difference and a huge leap forward. Once they become aware of their own behavior and practice their skills.~
Good Training starts with you!
When we start training there are so many things to focus on, we usually aren't even aware of everything that we're doing. And when we become more practiced certain things have become so habitual we don't notice them anymore.
We are going to take the big picture apart and have a close look at the components that involves our trainer skills.
Good training involves
many components
Observational Skills
Feeding Techniques
Body Awareness
ABC & Behavior Cycles
Learn to analyze your own training
What to look for in training
Antecedent Arrangement
Working with other reinforcers than food
Training plans/ data taking
So what will we look at?
In this module
The focus is on YOU as a trainer. Therefore you can participate with multiple horses if you like. We won't be focusing on your horse making progress on a certain behavior, but instead focus on you and your behavior. We set you and your horse up for success by focusing on the human partner of the horse-human relationship. This will make you a better trainer for your horse, something that benefits your whole future together.
Part of a longer program
This 8 week module is part of our longer educational program. It is accessible without prerequisites and can be followed on its own.
If you are interested to find out more about the entire program check out the page Educational year Program or have a look at Education Paths.
As all our education the modules are also built from the three pillars shown below. We use this in all our education and our training
We teach the theory behind reward based training. You'll get weekly lectures on topics specifically selected for the moment in your journey.
We help you how to make plans for setting up the environment for your learner and how to set both of you up for success. With low frustration and high independence.
You get your hands dirty and start training. A lot! We want to skip the overanalyzing and help you learn by doing. Time to practice your trainer skills
What do you get?
Safe space to learn and connect with likeminded individuals
Coaching from two instructors during 8 weeks
Weekly lectures
Weekly exercises with clear video examples
Weekly personal video feedback on your training
Weekly zoom meetings (Q&A's)
Everything will be recorded
Access to all the material for 6 months
A lot of homework, a lot of fun, a lot of learning and new insights & a lot of progress
We believe extensive individual feedback on your personal training videos is where our students make the biggest leaps forward, and it's crucial for their success, to be able to become independent trainers. I'm sure we've all experienced where theory is one thing, but putting it into practice is another. Training is simple but not easy, right? We put a lot of individual attention to each student maximizing their growth and potential. Besides that we see a huge benefit in students watching each others videos and feedback, there is much to learn, and we do it together
What makes your program different?
What our students say
Access to a computer or phone with internet and access to Zoom
Possibility to film your training sessions (mobile phone is fine for this)
Able to upload your videos to YouTube
Access to Facebook where the course will take place in a private group
What do I need to participate?
Time to train 3 times per week
Time to watch lectures, Q&A's and each others feedback
Start: April 23th 2023
Maximum 15 participants
All lectures and Q&A's will be recorded
You'll keep access to the group for 6 months
Investment module 1: 975 euro, payment in 6 or 12 installments possible
125 euro early bird discount
100 euro discount available for participants of the Pause course in January
"Angelica and Do's excellent advice helped me to make quick progress with my horse and to solve problems I had for a long time. I now have new tools to continue training!"
Anja Zollinger
"I learned a lot and the system of being able to see your own video analysis + others' is great. I found Do and Angelica to be super talented and committed and caring and educational."
Hélène Panchaud
"You were the first to notice and praise the good points of the videos sent by the students. It encouraged me and made me want to participate more."
"I find it remarkable how well you can assess the horses and situations without having much background knowledge. You hit the mark with everything you said."
Susanne Endres
As a student of RBHA, we invite you to become part of our online community, where we share training, answer questions, discuss new learning topics and ideas. So you can meet even more likeminded people and discuss a variety of topics.
Read more about the community here
1. What if I can't attend the lectures and Q&A's live? No worries, all our lectures and Q&A's are recorded. you can leave your questions in our group and we will answer them even if you can't attend live.
2. I have already trained with reward based training for a while, and know quite a bit. Will this course still be useful for me? We believe investing in a strong foundation is really what distinguishes the great trainer. As we give personal feedback on your training videos, everyone can be supported on their own level. However if you still have doubts if this is for you, send us a message and we can discuss.
3. I am not the only one training or interacting with my horse. Will this still work? Yes, horses are very good at distinguishing between different contexts. They will know what applies when if you are being conistent and clear about it. For sure it would be nice if everyone around your horse used the same system, however we know that isn't always possible.
5. What platform is the course on? The course will be given on a private Facebook group. Our live meetings are via Zoom.
4. I am new to all this. Is this the best place to start, or should I start elsewhere? Yes you can start here. But if you want to set yourself up for success we recommend taking our webinar series and pause course first. Please contact us if you are in doubt. We are happy to discuss and help you out with the best start.
I know enough!
6. Are there any discounts available? Yes, people who attended our pause course in January will get a special discount. Also subscribers to our mailinglist always get the first chance to sign up, against a small discount. After that we also have an early bird price for the general public for a limited time.
7. Are there any payment plans available? Yes, if you choose Klarna to check out it's possible to chose to pay in 6 or 12 installments. If you have any issues or need something else let us know.
8. Are there any scholarships available? Yes, we do have a scholarship program. Click on the scholarship button in the main menu to find out more.
Any questions left or want to get in touch?
Send us a message we are happy to chat with you! Click here to go to our contact form